wtorek, 5 października 2010

Fermor: Moguncja - Monachium





Gospoda pod Czerwonym Wołem, siedziba organizacji studenckiej Hochjunkertum, rytuał przejścia menzury.


By dusk I was sitting with Dr. Arnold and his family drinking tea laced with brandy in one of the huge baroque rooms of Schoss Bruchsal. I couldn't stop gazing at my magnificent sorrounding. Bruchsal is one of the most beautiful baroque palace in the whole of Germany. (...) I stayed here two nights, sleeping in the bedroom of an absent son.

It was the first time, I had seen such architecture. The whole of the next day I loitered about the building, hesitating halfway up shallow staircase balustraded by magnificent branching design of wrought metal, wandering thorugh double doors that led from state room to state room.


Of the town of Pforzheim, where I spent the next night, I remember nothing.


But the evening after I was in the heart of Stuttgart by lamp-lighting time, sole costumer in a cafe opposite the cubistic mass of the Hotel Graf Zeppelin

Party time with Lise and Annie



Pierwsze spojrzenie na Dunaj. Ulm Minster rose, literally saddled on an octagon bestriding the west end of the huge nave, with the highest steeple in the world and the transparent spire disapppeard into a moulting eiderdown of cloud.

Atmosfera późnego średniowiecza wypełniała miasto. Teutońską interpretację renesansu widąc było w każdym wsporniku i profilu okna. Świeckie budynki często wieńczył herb dwugłowego orla, symbol Cesarskiego Miasta. Reichstadt.


Wszechobecna stylistyka póxnego renesansu, heraldyka przywołująca czasy Landsknechtów.


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